The period of 12 years, except for the language learning (new Greek ,Ancient Greek and Latin) is an obligation and responsibility for each Ελληνα to know the biography and the work of all the great our forefathers ... (first slap)
And each time that ends the chapter a big Ελλήνα, there are notes of the type: "You're this descendant, but what to do about this? You are yourself συνεχιστής worthy of our genus?" e; 'not you are not ...(Second slap) we had many of them ... (Countless slaps) and the conclusion on the twelfth time training:" Get out to be great or continued their studies in your university and there will get details " ( at this point stop the slaps and starting goalkeeper !!! )C) simultaneously,Should you learn 2 languages and you've got a degree (for them) until the 18 years you ... after you start programming third language ... it is not necessary, but if you don't do this all the others will be in are kidding... This is the educational system in my country
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