Good Morning Natasja what to reach Messene; 'i am ok ESY;a great TYM!it!a moment why Carl Sandburg? 'Φευγω because i have job/task what you want;To μιλησουμε i want and no to φυγεις! 'and what we woiuld be? '- yours ... 'on what?
Concerning the school to the job/task!) Now δουλευω! 'Which? 'home rather δουλειες of house!The δουλειες the house not τελειωνουν ever!The i every three and briefly runs around δουλειες rather!) to βοηθησω; 'what? 'that to yes!
Kitchinette; 'I am 23 year old and rather δουλειες the house by my 8 years! 'Well done!Ξερεις to μαγειρευεις;
a i no many why? 'I want you to μαθω φτιαχνεις φαγητα!what materials? 'Why no?What - disco θελεις to φτιαξουμε;
With CCHICKEN πατατες φουρνο in the ψητο!
Δυστυχως nothin CCHICKEN to ... a place to CCHICKEN by super μαρκετ!The to go ESY was gone in super μαρκετ! 'Yes amounts they have not got any people in this home? '8 persons!
Therefore two κοτοπουλα!
Μπουτια κοτοπουλου!
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