ΒΕΒΑΙΩΝΕΤΑΙ οτι η ποινικη κατασταση του ανωτερω συμφωνα με τα στοιχεια που μεχρι την ....εχουν καταχωρηθει στη βαση δεδομενων του ολοκληρωμενου πληροφοριακου συστηματοσ του εθνικου ποινικου μητρωου ειναι η εξης
BEBAIWNETAI that the criminal situation of the above in accordance with the information until the ....is inclusion in the database of the integrated system of national media μητρωου poinikoy is the following
Ensure that the penal situation of the above in accordance with the data up to .... registered in the database INTEGRATED INFORMATION SYSTEM of national criminal records is as follows
IT IS HEREBY STATED that the punitive status of whereof along with data until the .... is entered in the database of the information document integrated system of national ποινικου μητρωου is the credentials