Σημείωση: Με την λέξη «Οικονομολόγοι» εννοώ τους Οικονομολόγους που δημιουργούν και στηρίζουν έμπρακτα και με μελέτες Σχολές σκέψης, δηλαδή όσους αποτελούν στην πράξη την επιστημονική κοινότητα και διαμορφώνουν οικονομική πολιτική.
Note: The word "Economists" I mean economists who create and actively support and studies thinking faculties, namely those who are in fact the scientific community and economic policymakers.
Note: With the word "economists" I mean economists who create and support actively and studies schools of thought, namely those who are in practice the scientific community and formulate economic policy.
Note: By economists I mean economists who create and support schools of thought in practice and by studies. that is, those who are in practice the scientific community and shape economic policy.<br>