η θεση που προσφερετε ταυτίζετε πλήρως με τον κύριο στόχο μου, να απασχοληθώ δηλαδή σε μια θέση εργασίας με σημαντικές ευθύνες, απαιτήσεις και δυνατότητες συνεχούς εξέλιξης.
the position we offer are identifying fully with my main objective, to work a job with significant responsibilities, requirements and possibilities of continuous evolution.
The position offered fully coincides with my main objective, namely to work in a job with significant responsibilities, requirements and continuous development opportunities.
The position that deliver are identifying fully with the main objective to απασχοληθώ i.e. in a working position with significant responsibilities, requirements and potential for further development.