Thank you very much, you're next to me, I was at my daughter yesterday, I went to cook, I'm a mess on the images. No, I lost pounds, I remain 57kg, but I'm very exhausted, weak, I need rest, enough sleep, plenty of fluids, do repeat some blood tests, as you know, do not exercise, I highly stress and end must quickly find, lost my energy.
Ralph, to ask; Are you ok? With your health and your visit to the doctor, so good; I feel, for several days, that something happens. I know, there are dozens of things that can cause you worry and anxiety. It is normal to sometimes feel stress, anxiety or loneliness, feeling that nobody understands you.
I am here to listen, have patience, you can take your time as you need, I can offer you my help. The discussion between us, can give you the strength you need to face the difficulties.
You, know better than me.
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