Εκτός από τα παραπάνω, η εγγύηση αυτή πληρώνεται στην εκμισθώτρια εάν η μίσθωση διαλυθεί από υπαιτιότητα της μισθώτριας, πριν τη λήξη της, εκτός από νόμιμη καταγγελία της.
Apart from the above, this warranty is payable to the lessor if hiring dissolved from the misthwtrias fault, before its expiry, except legitimate complaint.
Apart from the above, the guarantee is paid to the lessor if the lease is dissolved by the fault of the tenant, before the deadline, except legal complaint.
In addition to the above, the rental guarantee payment of the fault, if the lease u l o p l alpha Theta Tau is dissolved or terminated before, except the legal complaint.