Ο Τσόκλης ενέταξε στο εικαστικό του έργο οργανικά και ανόργανα υλικά, που συνδέονται αλληγορικά με τις σκληρές πολιτικές και κοινωνικές εξελίξεις και συγκεκριμένα με το Τείχος του Βερολίνου
Tsoclis has included in his painting organic and inorganic materials, allegorically associated with the harsh political and social developments, in particular the Berlin Wall
Tsoclis placed in his artwork organic and inorganic materials, which are linked allegorically with the harsh political and social developments and in particular with the Berlin Wall
The Czech Republic has incorporated organic and inorganic materials, allegedly linked to harsh political and social developments, namely the Berlin Wall, into its pictorial work.<br>