o computer is a machine constructed mainly from digital electronics circuits and secondarily by electrical and mechanical systems, and is designed to process information. The computer is an automated, electronic, digital epanaprogrammatizomeno system for general use which can process data based on a set of predefined directives, mandates referred to collectively as the program.Every computer system, no matter how big or small it may be, consists of the hardware (hardware) and the software (software). The key hardware components from your computer's central processing unit (CPU, Eng. Central Unit CPU, Prossesing), the main memory (RAM & ROM-BIOS), input-output units (keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc.), internal (or external) read and data storage drives such as hard disk, DVD, SSD (Solid State Drive) and peripheral devices like printer, scanner, modem, etc.).There are several types of computers that differ in size, the possibilities (processing power) and their architecture, i.e. the way that their essential parts are connected and work together. The most widespread computer class belong the microcomputers. On microcomputers standard accessories, such as the processor, memory, etc., are mounted on a printed circuit called motherboard (Eng. Motherboard or MoBo). Besides the processor and memory, on the motherboard are the places where expansion placed the various cards, graphics, audio, etc.). The parent also are Sockets for connecting various devices (such as hard disk, optical drive DVD reader, card reader etc), or to an extension of the already installed.Computer software consists of basic programs that give appropriate commands to operate the hardware part. Consists of the operating system (the Basic program for the operation of PCs as well as for communication with humans) and software applications (application packages, programming languages, educational software, programs – tools, etc.).
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