ναι θυμάμαι είναι η ίδια ημερομηνία γέννησης με του αγαπημένου μου ηθοποιού ( Kevin Spacey ), του πρώην συζύγου μου κι ενός πρώην φίλου μου από την Ολλανδία εγώ έναν δικό μου τρόπο να συνδέω άτομα και ημερομηνίες γι αυτό δεν ξεχνώ ποτέ
Yeah I rememberIt is the same birth date with my favorite actor (Kevin Spacey), my ex-husband and a former friend of mine from the NetherlandsI my own way to connect people and dates so you don't ever forget
yes I remember the same birth date with my favorite actor (Kevin Spacey), my former husband and one of my former friend from Holland I one my way to connect people and dates so it never forgets
Yes I remember are the same date of birth as my favorite actor (Kevin Spacey), the former my wife and a former friend from the Netherlands I own my way to connect my people and dates for this not forgetting ever