Sophie finally decided to clean the attic. It was a sunny November day. The day was perfect for a walk with her friends and clutter of the attic should be rectified. Uploaded by boring steps of the stairs leading up to it. He had many years to ascend. Since he was little and played hide and seek with her brother. He walked the dusty room. Sunlight gave color to old wood and old furniture were taking form. While sorting out while throwing some useless and paliomena the time her eye fell on a box. Painted out by amateur hands showing a destination. Weird. She had not ever watched. He opened it and inside it there was only a large gold key. It began to be fun and at the same time was initiating his curiosity and culminates thought of. Who belonged ... What opened .... He continued to settle until her eye fell on the old board of his grandfather on the wall. A friend of his had given him. He made a move and a folded paper fell. Maybe a paper that held the old painting on the wall. He bent to pick up and when unfolded a map unfolded and with it a mystery in her mind. They were treasure map. He looked location, images of forests and mountains and locations. Grandfather had hidden a treasure map. What was finished. A game or a treasure waiting to be discovered him. Queries would solve her parents. Once he found them all realized that the location was the home of his grandfather, the old house that was on the mountain. Sophie had never been there. He was the birthplace of his grandfather somewhere in a castle near Normandy. It's time to go and discover its treasures.
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