Γνωρίζόμαστε τόσο λίγο και με χίλιες δυσκολίες στην επικοινωνία μας .Προσπαθώ να δω τα μάτια σου τι μου λένε . Πάντα υπάρχει η ανασφαλεια και η αγωνία αν συτά που λέγονται είναι η πραγματική αλήθεια
We know so little and with a thousand difficulties in communicating.'m Trying to see your eyes, they tell me. There is always uncertainty and anxiety if syta called the real truth
Gnwrizomaste so little and with a thousand difficulties communicating. I try to see what your eyes tell me. There is always the anasfaleia and distress if syta called is the real truth
Γνωρίζόμαστε so little and with a thousand difficulties in our communication.I try to look your eyes what i say. There is always the ανασφαλεια and anxiety if presenting that is said is the real truth