Ο CONTRACTOR συμφωνεί και συναινεί προκαταβολικά να αποκαλύψει σχετικές πληροφορίες ή θέματα με τα πνευματικά διανοήματα που ρυθμίζονται κατά τα οριζόμενα εις την παρούσα παράγραφο έγκαιρα, χωρίς υπαίτια καθυστέρηση
The CONTRACTOR agrees and consents in advance to disclose relevant information or issues with intellectual thinkers regulated as specified in this paragraph promptly, without undue delay
CONTRACTOR agrees and consents in advance to disclose relevant information or issues with intellectual distributions regulated as defined in this paragraph in a timely manner, without undue delay
CONTRACTOR agrees and agrees in advance to disclose relevant information or intellectual property matters regulated in accordance with this paragraph in good time, without undue delay<br>