Οι καλλιτέχνες εναντιώθηκαν στα παραπάνω μέσω εικονογραφικών συμβάσεων ή εντάσσοντας στα έργα τους αυτούσια καταναλωτικά προϊόντα, όπως φαίνεται σε σχέδια και φωτομοντάζ του Ακριθάκη και του Ψυχοπαίδη
The artists opposed to the above through pictorial conventions or integrating in their projects as such consumer products as shown in the drawings and photomontages Akrithakis and Psychopedis
The artists objected to the above through pictorial contracts or by integrating in their works as a consumer products, as shown in drawings and photomontage of Akrithaki and Psychopaidi
The artists objected to the above by means of pictorial contracts or by incorporating in their works indigenous consumer products, as shown in the plans and photomontage of of Psychopathy<br>