καλά...αν είχες ένα παιδί να ουρλιάζει από το διπλανό δωμάτιο "ξύπνα !!!είμαι πεινασμένος!!!" δεν νομίζω να έβαζες τα χεριά σου πουθενά αλλού...ίσως στα αυτιά σου για να μην ακούς τις φωνές
well ...If you had a child screaming from the next room "awake!!!I'm hungry!!! "I don't think you put your hand to the anywhere else ...Maybe your ears not to hear the voices
well ... if you had a child screaming from the next room "wake up !!! I'm hungry !!!" I do not think you put your hands anywhere else ... maybe your ears not to hear the voices
Well ... if you had a child's screaming from the next room "ξύπνα !!!i am starving!!!" do not think that you put the hand you anywhere else ... maybe your ears so as not to hear the voices