Τα βυθοκορήματα που θα παραχθούν θα πρέπει να μεταφερθούν εκτός της θέσης του έργου και να αποτεθούν σε απόσταση 1km τουλάχιστον από την ακτή και σε βάθος μεγαλύτερο των 50,0m
The bythokorimata produced should be moved outside of the project's location and disposed of at a distance of at least 1km from the coast and at a depth greater than 50, 0m
The vythokorimata to be produced will be transferred outside the project site and disposed of at a distance less than 1km from the coast and at depths of 50,0m
Beta theta kappa Rho / V / mu alpha tau alpha will result to the distance from the coast of 1km in the project location and loading, at least at a depth of more than 50,0m