Ο κάθε άνθρωπος στην πορεία της ζωής του,ακολουθεί ένα δρόμο.Εάν ο άνθ μετάφραση - Ο κάθε άνθρωπος στην πορεία της ζωής του,ακολουθεί ένα δρόμο.Εάν ο άνθ Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Ο κάθε άνθρωπος στην πορεία της ζωή

Ο κάθε άνθρωπος στην πορεία της ζωής του,ακολουθεί ένα δρόμο.
Εάν ο άνθρωπος καταλάβει ότι αυτός ο δρόμος, δεν είναι για τον εαυτό του,τότε πρέπει να τον αφήσει ,εάν αυτό λέει η καρδιά του. Να διαλέξει έναν άλλο δρόμο,όχι όμως από φόβο ή φιλοδοξία, η αλλαγή χρειάζεται, προσοχή και περίσκεψη. Το καλύτερο για μένα είναι, να αναρωτηθεί εάν αυτός ο δρόμος έχει καρδιά,εάν έχει είναι καλό,εάν όχι, είναι άχρηστο. Οι δύο δρόμοι δεν οδηγούν πουθενά, απλά ο ένας έχει καρδιά,ο άλλος όχι. Ο ένας είναι, ένα χαρούμενο ταξίδι και στην πορεία γίνεσαι ένα μαζί του,ενώ ο άλλος θα σου δυσκολέψει την ζωή. Ο ένας σε κάνει δυνατό,ενώ ο άλλος σου παίρνει όλη την ενέργεια. Νομίζω πως εγώ, είμαι ευλογημένη που είμαι μαζί σου ,ως προς το πνεύμα και την ψυχή.
Πρέπει, να κάνω κάποιες δουλιές και στην συνέχεια να πάω στον γιατρό,θα μιλήσουμε αργότερα.
Έχω γνωρίσει πολλές φορές τον πόνο,με μένα την ίδια ,με τα παιδιά μου,με τους γονείς μου με φίλους και συγγενείς,άρα μπορώ να καταλάβω και να νιώσω και τον δικό σου πόνο,έχουμε πεί, ότι εγώ θα σου γιατρέψω, όλες τις ψυχικές σου ασθένεις.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
Each person in the course of his life, follows a road.If the man figured out that this road is not for himself, then he should let him, if it says his heart. To choose another road, but not by fear or ambition, changing needs, carefully and thoughtfully. The best for me is to wonder if this road has heart, if it's good, if not, it's useless. The two roads lead nowhere, just one has a heart, the other does not. One is, a joyous trip and you become one with him, while the other will complicate your life. One makes possible, while the other takes all your energy. I think I, I'm blessed that I am with you in spirit and soul.Need to do some work and then I go to the doctor, we'll talk later.I've met many times with pain, with me, with my children, with my parents with friends and relatives, so I can see and feel and your pain, we have said, that I will heal you, all your mental ailments.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Each person in the course of his life, followed by a road.
If man understood that this path is not for himself, then you should leave it where it says the heart. To choose a different path, but not out of fear or ambition, the change necessary caution and circumspection. The best for me is to ask whether this road has a heart, if it is good, if not, it is useless. Both roads lead nowhere, just one has a heart, the other does not. One is a happy journey and in the process becoming one with him, while the other will complicate your life. One makes possible, while the other takes you all the energy. I think I am blessed that I am with you in spirit and soul.
We need to make some slaves and then go to the doctor, we'll talk later.
I have met many times the pain with me the same, with my children, with my parents with friends and family, so I can see and feel and your own pain, we say, that I will heal you, all your mental diseases.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
Everyone on the road of life, take a road.If a person knows this road, not for himself, then you should leave him if he says his heart. Choose another path, but not fear and ambition, the need for change, attention and thinking. I am the best, would like to know if this road is the heart, if it is good, if not, it is useless. These two roads, will not lead to any, just one another"s heart, the other is not. One is, a pleasant journey, and in the process you will become one, and the other will make your life. One makes you strong, and the other takes all your energy. I think I"m with you, I"m lucky, in the spirit and soul.We did some work, and then went to see the doctor, and then chat.I have seen him several times in pain, myself, my children, my parents and relatives and friends, so I can understand and feel my pain, and we will tell you all of your mental illness.
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