Thanks everyone for the b'day wishes! I don't actually turn 18 until Jan 31st, but I was celebrating with my classmates now because I'll be in LA when I actually turn 18. Δεν μου αρέσει · Απάντηση · 18
thanks everyone for the b'day wishes! i don't actually turn 18 until jan 31st, but i was celebrating with my classmates now because i'll be in la when i actually turn 18. dislikes · Comment · 18
Thanks everyone for the b'day wishes! I don't actually turn 18 until Jan 31st, but I was celebrating with my classmates now because I'll be in LA when I actually turn 18. I do not like; Answer; 18
Thanks everyone for the b'day wishes! I don't actually turn 18 until Jan 31st, but I was celebrating with my classmates now because I'll be in LA when I actually turn 18.) i don't like it ; Reply ; 18