Εντούτοις, αυτή η μήτρα έχει περιορισμούς όσον αφορά την έκταση των εργαλείων και τεχνικών και το επίπεδο πολυπλοκότητάς τους καθώς μπορεί να θεωρηθεί βασική για τη χρήση τους στη πολιτική ποιότητας 6σ.
However, this matrixhas restrictions regarding the extent of tools and techniques and leveltheir complexity as may be considered essential for their use in6s quality policy.
However, this matrix has limitations as regards the extent of the tools and techniques and the level of complexity as may be considered essential for their use in 6s quality policy.
However, the matrixThere are limits to the extent and level of tools and techniquesTheir complexity and the basic for their useEmphasis on quality policy.