Αγαπητοι συνάδελφοι,θα σας παρακαλέσω να δείτε λίγο την κατάσταση στο  μετάφραση - Αγαπητοι συνάδελφοι,θα σας παρακαλέσω να δείτε λίγο την κατάσταση στο  Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Αγαπητοι συνάδελφοι,θα σας παρακαλέ

Αγαπητοι συνάδελφοι,θα σας παρακαλέσω να δείτε λίγο την κατάσταση στο τμήμα ταμείου της Λάρνακας .Δέχομαι συνεχώς παράπονα απο τους προισταμένους του τμήματος μου για τον τρόπο που λειτουργεί το ταμείο σε οτι αφορά τα διαλείματα και την έναρξή βάρδιας ειδικά στις αναχωρήσεις .Καταλαβαίνω ότι υπάρχει πρόβλημα λόγω έλειψης προσωπικού,αλλά θα μπορούσαμε να διαχειριστούμε καλύτερα το υπάρχων.Δώσαμε την επιλογή του κλεισίματος για 2 ώρες στο καζίνο των αναχωρήσεων για να μπορούν οι υπάλληλοι του ταμείου να παίρνουν τα διαλείματα τους.Απο αυτό που βλέπω δεν γίνεται σωστη διαχείριση αυτού του χρόνου .Συγκεκριμένα οι υπάλληλοι παίρνουν διάλειματα όποτε αυτοί θέλουν, και όχι ανάλογα με τις ανάγκες του καζίνο ,το ταμείο των αναχωρήσεων κλείνει πολλές φορές χωρίς λόγο και εκτός του χρόνου των διαλειμμάτων που εχουμε ορίσει.Θα ήταν προτιμότερο οι βάρδιες να υποστηριχτούν με ένα ενδιάμεσο άτομο πχ 11:00-19:00 για καλύτερη λειτουργία και να αποφευχθεί το κλείσιμο των αναχωρήσεων.Τις ώρες μέχρι τις 11 το πρωί η προσέλευση πελατών είναι ελάχιστη και δεν επηρεάζει την λειτουργία μας αν κάποιος χρειαστεί να λείψει για διάλειμμα ή προσωπική ανάγκη.Αντί γι αυτό υπάρχουν βάρδιες με 3 άτομα σε εντελώς άσχετο χρόνο (πρωί) ή 2 άτομα το βράδυ που το τμήμα των αναχωρήσεων είναι κλειστό.Υπάρχουν μέρες που καθυστερεί το άνοιγμα στις αναχωρήσεις ενώ οι υπάλληλοι του ταμείου βρίσκονται στον χώρο των αφίξεων και κουβεντιάζουν.Χθές και βάσει της αναφοράς βάρδιας του τμήματος μου.Xρειάστηκε να ειδοποιηθεί ο ταμίας 7 φορες μέσα σε 1 ώρα για να επιστρέψει στην θέση του προς εξυπηρέτηση των πελάτων.Οι πελάτες που υπήρχαν στον χώρο ήταν 10 - 15 άτομα. Οι πελάτες γελάνε μαζί μας.Τα παραπάνω παρακαλώ μη τα δείτε σαν παρατήρηση ή κριτική πρός το τμήμα σας ο σκοπός μου είναι καθαρά η βελτίωση μιας κακής εικόνας που διοχετεύουμε προς τους πελάτες μας.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
Dear Colleagues, <br>I would ask you to just see the situation in fund part of Larnaca. <br>Constantly accept complaints from the head of my department about the way the fund operates in that regard breaks and shift its launch specific departures. <br>I understand that there is a problem due to a lack of staff, but we could better manage the existing. <br>We have the option of closing for two hours in the casino departures to enable the Fund staff to take their breaks. <br>From what I see there is no proper management this year.<br>Specifically, the employees take breaks whenever they want, and not according to the needs of the casino, the departures fund closes several times unnecessarily and excluding the time intervals that we have set. <br>It would be preferable that the shifts to be supported by an intermediate atom e.g. 11: 00-19: 00 for best operation and to avoid the closure of the departures. <br>Hours until 11am customer turnout is minimal and does not affect our operation if one need to be absent for a break or personal need. <br>Instead there are shifts with three people completely unrelated time (morning) or 2 people at night that the proportion of departures are closed.<br>There are days that delays the opening of departures while the fund's employees are located in the arrivals hall and chatting. <br>Yesterday, on the basis of the shift of reference of my department. <br>He took to notify the treasurer seven times within 1 hour to return to the position in customer service. <br>Customers were in the area were 10 to 15 people. <br>Customers laugh at us. <br>The above please do not view them as observation or criticism of your department my purpose is purely to improve a bad image that we channel to our customers.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Dear Colleagues,<br>I would ask you to take a look at the situation in the Larnaca Fund department.<br>I keep receiving complaints from my department's superiors about the way the fund works in terms of breaks and shift start especially in departures.<br>I understand that there is a problem due to scarcity personnel, but we could better manage the existing.<br>We gave the option of closing for 2 hours at the departures casino so that the employees of the fund can take their breaks.<br>From what I see, there is no proper management of this year.<br>In particular, the employees take a lecture whenever they want, and not according to the needs of the casino, the cashier of the departures closes several times unnecessarily and outside the time of the breaks we have set.<br>It would be preferable for the shifts to be supported by an intermediate person e.g. 11:00-19:00 for better operation and to avoid closing the departures.<br>The hours until 11am the attendance of customers is minimal and does not affect our operation if one needs to be missed for break or personal need.<br>Instead there are shifts with 3 people in completely irrelevant time (morning) or 2 people the night the Department of departures is closed.<br>There are days that delay the opening in departures while the cashier's employees are in the arrivals area and chatting.<br>Yesterday and on the basis of my department's shift report.<br>He needed the cashier to be notified 7 times in an hour to return to his position to serve the customers.<br>The customers who were in the area were 10-15 people. <br>The customers are laughing at us.<br>The above please do not see them as observation or criticism to your department my purpose is purely to improve a bad image that we channel towards our customers.
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
Dear colleagues,<br>I'd like you to take a look at the situation in the Larnace Treasury Department.<br>I constantly receive complaints from my department's superiors about the way the fund operates with regard to breaks and the start of shifts especially at departures.<br>I understand there's a staff shortage problem, but we could manage things better.<br>We have given the option of closing for two hours at the departure casino so that the tellers can take their breaks.<br>As far as I can see, this year is not being managed properly.<br>In particular, employees take breaks whenever they want, and not according to the needs of the casino, the Departure Fund closes many times for no reason and outside the time of the breaks we have set.<br>It would be preferable for shifts to be supported with an intermediary such as 11:00-19:00 for better operation and to avoid closing departures.<br>By eleven o'clock in the morning, customer turnout is minimal and does not affect our operation if someone needs to be away for a break or personal need.<br>Instead, there are shifts with three people at completely unrelated times (morning) or two people at night when the departures section is closed.<br>There are days when the opening of departures is delayed while the fund's staff are in the arrivals area talking.<br>Yesterday and based on my department's shift report.<br>The cashier had to be notified seven times within one hour to return to his place to serve the customers.<br>The customers that were in the room were 10-15 people.<br>The customers are laughing at us.<br>Please do not take this as an observation or criticism of your department. My aim is clearly to improve a bad image that we convey to our clients.<br>
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