Εύχομαι,σε σένα προσωπικά, στους φίλους σου και ιδιαιτέρως στην οικογένεια σου, όλα καλά και ευλογημένα. Βλέποντας τις εικόνες που σου έστειλα χθες, παρατήρησα ότι τα μάτια μου,είναι ακόμη αρκετά πληγωμένα και φαίνονται, πρέπει στο γάμο,να κάνω ένα τέλειο μακιγιάζ.
Έχω ένα έντονο συναισθηματικό στρες σήμερα, νιώθω την καρδιά μου πληγωμένη ,γιατί χθες είχαμε ένα επισόδειο με την υγεία της μητέρας μου. Καταλαβαίνεις, πόσο έντονα συναισθηματικά νιώθω,αλλά με την βοήθεια του Θεού, ευελπιστώ ότι θα τα καταφέρει και θα σταθεί στα πόδια της, μέχρι τον γάμο. Σου εύχομαι τα καλύτερα,να θυμάσαι ότι είμαι μαζί σου.
I hope, to you personally, to your friends and especially your family, all good and blessed. Seeing the pictures that I have sent you yesterday, I noticed that my eyes are still hurting and seem, must in marriage, to make a perfect makeup. I have an intense emotional stress today, I feel my heart hurt, because yesterday we had an episode with my mother's health. You know, how intensely emotional feel, but with the help of God, I hope they will succeed and stand on its feet until the wedding. Wishing you the best, remember that I am with you.
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I hope, to you personally, to your friends and especially to your family, all good and blessed. Seeing the pictures I sent you yesterday, I noticed that my eyes are still quite hurt and seem, should the wedding, do a perfect makeup.
I have an intense emotional stress today, I feel my heart hurt, because yesterday we had a episodeio with my mother's health. You know, how strongly I feel emotionally, but with God's help, I hope that we will succeed and will stand on its feet until marriage. I wish you the best, remember that I am with you.
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I hope that in your personal, your friends and your family are particularly good, and blessed. Look at the photos I sent you yesterday, I noticed my eyes, still very hurt, look, our wedding, make a perfect makeup.Today I have a strong emotional stress, I feel my heart was hurt, because yesterday we had the situation with my mother"s health. You know how strong I am feeling, but in God"s help, I hope to be able to get married with your feet until. I hope everything is fine with you, remember that I am with you.
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