Ο εντολέας δηλώνει ότι αναγνωρίζει από τώρα στα πλαίσια των παραπάνω εντολών ως έγκυρες, νόμιμες όλες τις πράξεις της πληρεξουσίας του εφόσον ενεργηθούν μέσα και απρόσβλητες και ως να έγιναν απ’ αυτόν τον ίδιο.
The client declares that it recognizes now in the context of these commands as valid, lawful acts of all attorneys if bowel in both intact and they were made by him himself.
The client indicates that he recognizes by now under the command above as valid, legitimate all acts of plirexoysias if done thereafter under inside and unassailable and as to made him him.
The assignor hereby declares that it recognizes by now in the context of the above commands as valid, legitimate all acts of πληρεξουσίας if be entered into within and immune and as to were the same.