ποιαδήποτε επιπλέον εργασία ελέγχου προκύψει κατά τη διεξαγωγή των εργοταξιακών δοκιμών αποδοχής (PSAT, SAT) του Πίνακα ΜΤ 20KV του Αμαξοστασίου «Πυλαίας», θα ενσωματωθεί σε αυτήν τη διαδικασία.
poiadipote additional scan task occur when performing the worksite acceptance tests (PSAT, SAT) of Table MT 20KV Depot "Pylaias", will be incorporated in this process.
Any additional control work that may occur during the performance of the acceptance (PSAT, SAT) of the component "Pylaias" T-Test panel will be incorporated into this procedure.
any additional control work arising during the design acceptance tests (PSAT, SAT) of Table MT 20KV of the Gate Wagon shall be integrated into this process.<br>