Ε, λοιπόν ναί. Μία ημέρα θα σου έρθω μέσα σε ένα μεγάλο πακέτο ( ξέρεις,είμαι και δίμετρη). Μην ξαφνιαστείς! Φαντάζομαι ότι θα έρθεις να με παραλάβεις και δεν θα μείνω στα αζήτητα. Φιλιά!!!
Huh, well Yes.One day I'll come in a big package (you know, I'm and twometer).Not xafniasteis!I imagine that will come to receive and will not stay in unclaimed. Kisses!!!
Well yes. One day you will come into a large package (you know, I'm dimetri). Do not be surprised! I guess that will come to meet me and would not stay in unclaimed. Friendship!!!