Date: 17/07/2010: Πῆγα, knowing ὅτι would come ἐντυπωσιασμένος. I got in horror. Progress Ἡ τῆς China μοῦ ἦταν known, and in old authors i ( "Globalisation:For ἕνα world system ὁλοκληρωτικῆς ἐξουσίας", "a republic Εὐθύνης" Mr ἄ.) εἶχα ὑποστηρίξει ὅτι winner in game τῆς globalisation would not εἶναι οἱ US οὔτε ἡ συγκολημμένη by οὔχου" E. E. , ἀλλά ἡ China.Ὅταν sometimes ἡ alleged today as non-ὑπουργός ἐθνικῆς education (ἡ abolition τοῦ ὅρου ἐθνική εἶναι its own originality) εἶχε ὑποστήριξει the ἀναχρονιστική ἄποψη on Ἀγγλικῆς as second language to σχολεῖαTo ἔχουμε ὁρίζοντα future,By thinking ὕφος τῆς ὑπέδειξα how ὅποιος wants future learns Chinese and ὄχι ' ' stuf" Ἀγγλικά!
And ὑπέδειξα that ἀνάγκη creating two ἱδρυμάτων rapid ἐκμαθήσεως τῆς Κινεζικῆς to ὑποδεχθοῦμε αὐτό the future.Ἀλλά ἐμεῖς in the pristine Μωρές τῆς Παραβολῆς stayed ἄ-λαδοι and ἄλαλοι ront the ἐπέλαση τῆς κινεζικῆς οἰκονομίας, which soon συνοδευθεῖ and ἀπό the ἐπέκταση τῆς Κινεζικῆς language,The ὁποία οἱ Chinese ἔχουν on πολλοῦ" .': εἶχα reasons to come ἐνθουσιασμένος,Because when the ἔναρξη τῶν Ὀλυμπιακῶν τοῦ Beijing ἀναγνώσθηκε -ἔτσι assured by; my Πινδαρική ὠδή where published and in Chinese Type -ἀλλ ὄχι' with my own photo. I got ὅμως with heavy soul.Ἡ China not ἁπλῶς wants to be great, which always ἦταν. It wants to become μεγαλοδύναμη. It wishes to become all-powerful. We are in time where ἐπαληθεύεται ὁ reason τοῦ Bonaparte groupie:"Ἀφῆστε the Yellow the Draco to κοιμᾶται, why ἄν ξυπνήση would καταπιῆ the world". Ὁ Yellow Δράκοντας, after the madness τῆς "Πολιτιστικῆς Ἐπανάστασης",Spent ὑπό the guidance μιᾶς ἐχέφρονος συλλογικῆς and concomitant αὐταρχικῆς ἐξουσίας in a technological ἐπανάσταση where καταργεῖ any entitlement to ἀδυναμία ἐνισχύει and any right to force for wealth creation.Nowhere ἀλλοῦ ὁ but by Marxism in core, ὅτι ἡ οἰκονομία κινεῖ the wheel τῆς ἱστορίας, it has succeeded so much ὅσο in China.Only where ἡ fight τῶν classes ἔχει ὑποκατασταθεῖ ἀπό the fight τῶν δυνατῶν ἄλλους as possible, which give the ἀνάπτυξη τῆς China more ταχεῖς pace.Ἡ care ' poor ' ' ἀδυνάτους εἶναι for Chinese ἡγεσία vain purpose.c) in China αὐτή the moment ὑπάρχουν two categories ἀνθρώπων: αὐτοί where staying ὑπάνθρωποι and αὐτοί made ὑπεράνθρωποι.The Ἀνάμεσά ὑπάρχει ἕνα συνεχῶς expanding screening στρῶμα where to ἀμειφθεῖ . ἀνταποκριθεῖ on "norms" τῆς "New Ζωῆς", ἐργάζεται ξεθεωτικά. Not ὑπάρχουν in China εὐγενῆ ἰδανικά.Ὁ ἰδεαλιστικός but by Marxism (social ἰσότητα),Ὁ βουδισμός (mute ἐπιθυμιῶν) and ὁ κομφουκισμός (experiencing ἀρετῶν) εἶναι ὑπόθεση ' ἀφελεῖς ἤ for many ἐπιτήδειους where ἔχουν convert just safeguarded amounts cultural tradition in ἀργυρολογία.The ζῶντα ἰδανικά εἶναι ἀποκλειστικῶς consumer. Ὁ Chinese equate the value of his value τοῦ αὐτοκινήτου.c) The KKK εἶναι pursuant to ἀλήθειαν ἕνας wise mechanism,The ἀλλά regime where ἔχει ἐπιβάλει in people εἶναι ἕνας ἐμπράγματος Δαρβινισμός. Ἐπιζῆ ὁ more ἰσχυρός. And αὐτό would ἰσχύση αὔριο in ἄσκηση τῆς ἐξωτερικῆς κινεζικῆς πολιτικῆς. Standard τῆς China εἶναι ἡ Ἀμερική,Ὄχι to the μιμηθεῖ ἤ to ὁμοιωθεῖ to αὐτή, ἀλλά in order to overcome the ἤ to καταπιεῖ the right moment. Ἤδη ἡ China κατακτᾶ οἰκονομικά the Αὐστραλία and New Zealand, κατακτᾶ , Ἀφρική. Ὅσο for Εὐρώπη,Αὐτή ἔχει ἀπό long "κινεζοποιηθεῖ" ἀφοῦ ὅλες οἱ "φιρμάτες" ἑταιρεῖες ' ' always produce ἐκεῖ and now for the most part the πωλοῦν ἐκεῖ.Objective τῆς China ' ἔλεγχο ἑνός new ὀρυκτοῦ εἶναι to play a leading role in the ὅλες technological achievements. It ἀρκεσθεῖ to reach and αὐτή the Moon.It would be up to the resident and to ἀποσπάσει ἀπό αὐτήν ὀρυκτά ἤ ὑλικά ἀνεύρετα in γῆ.: Ἡ China ἀποσυνδέεται ἀπό the past, recent ἤ ἀπώτερο. The ἐξαφανίζει to create ἕνα ἀπροσδόκητο future,The ὅπου πρῶτο role ἔχουν things and ὄχι οἱ ἄνθρωποι, where ἁπλῶς would εἶναι ὑπηρέτες τῶν things. Ὅσα αὐτή made the time in China εἶναι ἀπίστευτα large.Not Ἀλλά ἔχουν the μεγαλεῖο τῆς ἁπλότητας οὔτε the ἁπλότητα τοῦ grandeur. A Ἔχουν φαραωνική dimension without metaphysical αἴσθηση. Ὅλα αὐτά intimidated by. Because ἐνῶ οἱ Chinese earn the everyone in ὕψος,Ἔχουν a moldy basis. And ἐννοῶ a ἀπέραντη mass ἐξαθλιωμένων ἀνθρώπων ζῆ where lower ἀπό the ὅρια τῆς poverty, a ἀνερχόμενη class where ἐργάζεται ἐξαντλητικά and ἕνα only 5% where ζῆ in ἐπίπεδο Κροίσου,Without even αὐτό to εὐτυχεῖ. Because ἡ more nuclear bomb τῶν Chinese not εἶναι αὐτή where made to nuclear ἐργοστάσια.Εἶναι ἡ ἀπέραντη φτωχῶν mass and after difficulty ἀνταποκρινομένων in new consumer way ζωῆς, where once it ἐκραγεῖ.Ἐνδέχεται ἡ "Cultural Ἐπανάσταση" where εἶχε Ἡγερία as the widow τοῦ Mao to ἦταν ἕνα καρναβαλικό ἤ -ἔστω; καννιβαλικό game forward the social ἔκρηξη which ἀκολουθήσει. The ἔνιωσα the vibration αὐτή ὅταν ἤμουν ἐκεῖ.Ἄλλωστε, ἡ month ἀπεργία τῶν ἐργατῶν in "Χιουντάι" before μηνῶν, ἀπεργία where directed against τῶν ἐργοδοτῶν and τῶν συνδικαλιστῶν (ἔχουν do caste and ἐκεῖ), many in this μαρτυρεῖ.
China Ἡ ἔσβησε the past in order to create future resting in χρῆμα. And, ὄντως, ἔχει the more χρῆμα in world. The Ἀλλά χρῆμα εἶναι useful for support and ὄχι ὁδηγός mentioned for the future.I αὐτό φοβᾶμαι ὅτι the future τῆς China would be εἶναι blurred in the οὐρανό τῆς Shanghai where ἀξίζει to
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