Τελικά, δεν πήγα στο σπίτι. Με πήραν τηλέφωνο, για ένα ποτό, και εγώ στο ποτό και στους φίλους δεν μπορώ να αρνηθώ. Δεν μπορώ να πάρω το δαχτυλίδι σου είναι έτοιμο, είμαι με το αυτοκίνητο και δεν μπορώ να παρκάρω. Θα πάω όμως αύριο.
Eventually, they went home. Took the phone, for a drink, and I drink and I can't deny. I can not get the ring you are ready, I'm with the car and I can't Park. I'll go tomorrow.
Eventually, I did not go home. They got a phone, a drink, and I to drink and friends I can not deny. I can not take your ring is ready, I'm in the car and can not park. But I'll go tomorrow.
Finally, I'm not at home. I got a phone call, a drink, and my friend, I can't refuse. I can't get your ring ready, my car, I can't stop. But tomorrow will go.