προσπαθώ να τελειώσω κάποιες εργασίες στο σπίτι που μένω εδώ η Κάρεν θ μετάφραση - προσπαθώ να τελειώσω κάποιες εργασίες στο σπίτι που μένω εδώ η Κάρεν θ Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

προσπαθώ να τελειώσω κάποιες εργασί

προσπαθώ να τελειώσω κάποιες εργασίες στο σπίτι που μένω εδώ η Κάρεν θέλει να είμαι την ημέρα ευχαριστιών μαζί της με τα παιδιά και επιμένει δεν ξέρω γιατί,δεν μου αρέσει να με πιέζει σε κάποια θέματα,τέλος πάντων είναι δύσκολο να πάμε όλοι στην Αριζόνα και πρέπει να δω πώς θα γίνει,της είπα να έρθει σε εμάς αλλά αυτή δεν θέλει,δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατί.
τέλος πάντων εσύ τι θα κάνεις την μέρα ευχαριστιών;
Tώρα μόλις διάβασα το μήνυμά σου,εντάξει ναι καλά είναι να έρθεις για 4 μέρες τι άλλο να κάνω;Εντάξει απλά ίσως να μην πάμε σε μουσείο,μια μέρα θα πάμε έξω με κορίτσια για φαγητό και χορό το βράδυ και πρωί την άλλη μέρα σε μαγαζιά μετά σκέφτομαι ένα βράδυ να μαγειρέψω εγώ σπίτι μου να έρθεις και αν θέλεις μπορείς να μείνεις το ίδιο βράδυ και την άλλη μέρα να πάμε ένα θέατρο την τελευταία μέρα θέλω να μείνουμε όλη μέρα μόνοι μας να πάμε κάπου μαζί μόνοι μας αν θέλεις και εσύ κάπου κοντά έξω από την πόλη.

Γιατί θα πάρεις τώρα άδεια από δουλειά σου εσύ;θα επιστρέψεις πάλι πριν τις γιορτές εκεί και θα φύγεις για να ερθεις σε εμάς;
Ναι νομίζω ότι θέλει προσοχή το παιδί αυτό τον καιρό,καλά θα είναι να υπάρχει ησυχία μεταξύ σας.
Τώρα καλά θα είναι ναι να μην ξέρουν και πολλοί άνθρωποι ότι θέλεις να χωρίσεις από Ερικ γιατί μετά και χαλάνε όλα,καταλαβαίνεις;

Δεν την ξέρω την ταινία που θα δεις όχι,εντάξει λοιπόν ας προσπαθήσουμε να ηρεμήσουμε τώρα,όλοι.
να πεις στην Ραχήλ να δει το ταχυδρομείο της της είχα γράψει τότε που είχα αναστάτωση και μάλλον θα της γράψω πάλι,εντάξει;
τα λέμε αργότερα....φιλί

Από: -
Για: -
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
trying to finish some work at home staying here Karen wants to be a day of Thanksgiving with children and insists I do not know why, I do not like pushing on some issues,Anyway it's hard to get everyone in Arizona and need to see how to do, I told her to come with us but she does not want, I do not understand why.
Anyway what you gonna do the Thanksgiving day?
Now I just read your message, okay so well is to come for 4 days what else to do? Okay maybe not just go into a museum,one day you're going out with girls for dinner and dancing in the evening and morning the next day shopping after a night to think I cook my house to come and if you want you can stay the same night and the othergo to a theater last day I want to stay all day on our own to go somewhere together alone and if you want somewhere near outside the city.

Why would now take leave from your job too? Would return again before the holidays and will go there to come to us?
Yeah I think the child wants attention this time,well it is to have peace among you.
Now well you are so do not know many people that want to break up with Eric and spoil because after all, you know?

I do not know the movie you will see not,OK So let's try to calm down now, everyone.
to tell Rachel to see the post I'd written since I had trouble and will probably write her again, okay?
see you later .... kiss

Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
try to finish some work at home that I stay here the Karen wants to be the Thanksgiving together with children and insists I do not know why, I don't like to push on some issues,Anyway it's hard to go all in Arizona and we have to see how it will be done, I told her to come to us but she does not want, I do not understand why.
anyway what you gonna do on Thanksgiving Day?
Now I just read your message, okay Yeah well is to come for 4 days what else to do? Ok just might not go to the Museum,one day you go out with girls for dining and dancing in the evening and morning the other day in shops after thinking one evening to Cook I my house to come and if you want you can stay the same evening and the other to go to a theater on the last day I want to stay all day on our own to go somewhere together ourselves if you want and you somewhere close out of town.

Why would take now leave from your job you will return again? before the holidays there and will go to come to us?
Yes I think he wants this child care timewell there will be peace between you.
Now well it will be Yes do not know and many people that want to leave from Eric because after and spoil everything, you know?

don't know the movie you will see, notOkay so let's try to calm down now, everyone.
to say to Rachel to see the mail I had written that I was disruptive and rather will write again, okay?
see you later ....Kiss

Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
I am trying to finish some work in the house where I am staying here Karen wants to be the thanksgiving day together with the children and insists i don't know why,i do not like to pressing on some of the issues,Anyway it is difficult to get everyone in Arizona and we have to see how it would be done,i told her to come to us but it does not want,i don't understand why. 'anyway you what are you going to do the day before Thanksgiving;
Ensure continuity when as soon as I read the message you,ok yes well is to get for 4 days what else can I do?Ok just might not go to a museum,One day we will go out with girls for food and dancing in the evening and morning the other day in shops after i have a night to cook i have my home to get and if you want you can stay the same evening and the otherGo to a theater on the last day i want to stay all day on our own to go somewhere together on our own if you want and you somewhere near outside the city.C) because it will now get permission from your job you?We will come back again before the celebrations there and will leave to ερθεις in us; 'yes i think that looking after the child this time,Good will is that there is peace between you. 'now well will be yes, we do not know how many people that you don't want to χωρίσεις from Ερικ because after and disrupted all,you can understand;C) does not know the film that will be seeing not,Ok so let's try to calm down now,everyone.to say the Ραχήλ to see the mail of i wrote then that i had messed up and probably will write again,okay?the say later .... kiss

Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
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