Αναφέρουμε, χαρακτηριστικά, τη θριαμβευτική είσοδο του Ιησού στα Ιεροσόλυμα, που προαναγγέλθηκε από τον προφήτη ΖΑΧΑΡΙΑ, με τα λόγια: «Να χαίρεσαι, θυγατέρα Σιών, να διαλαλείς, θυγατέρα Ιερουσαλήμ: Νά, έρχεται σε σένα ο βασιλιάς σου, δίκαιος και σωτήρας, πράος, και καβάλα σ’ ένα γαϊδουράκι» (Ζαχ. 9,9). Ο ίδιος προφήτης προλέγει και την αμοιβή του Ιούδα για την προδοσία του: «Όρισαν το μισθό μου τριάντα αργύρια», λέει η προφητεία. (Ζαχ. 11).
Στον Ψαλμό 41 διαβάζουμε: «Αυτός ο ίδιος ο άνθρωπος, μαζί με τον οποίο ζούσα ειρηνικά, στον οποίο ήλπισα, αυτός που έτρωγε ψωμί μαζί μου, σήκωσε την φτέρνα του εναντίον μου», και ακόμα ο Ζαχαρίας μας λέγει: «Όταν κάποιος τον ρωτήσει: Τι είναι οι πληγές αυτές μέσα στα χέρια σου; Εκείνος θα απαντήσει: Είναι οι πληγές εκείνες, που πληγώθηκα μέσα στο σπίτι των φίλων μου» (13,6). Είναι τόσο καθαρές οι προφητείες και συνέβησαν στη ζωή του Χριστού με τόση ακρίβεια, που νομίζει κανείς ότι διαβάζει τα Ευαγγέλια, στα χρόνια της Καινής Διαθήκης και όχι την Παλαιά Διαθήκη. Έτσι, ο Ιούδας, που έτρωγε ψωμί μαζί με το Χριστό, τον πρόδωσε, και οι πληγές μέσα στα χέρια προέρχονται από τα καρφιά και προξενήθηκαν από τους φίλους του Χριστού, δηλ. τους συμπατριώτες του Ιουδαίους, που τον παρέδωσαν για να σταυρωθεί.
Στον Ψαλμό 21, ο προφήτης και βασιλιάς Δαυίδ λέγει: «Διαμοιράστηκαν μεταξύ τους τα ιμάτιά μου και στον ιματισμό μου έβαλαν κλήρο». Κατάπληξη προξενεί η, 11 αιώνες πριν την εκπλήρωσή της, προφητεία αυτή, που δεν εφαρμόστηκε φυσικά ούτε στο Δαυίδ, ούτε σε κάποιον άλλο επίσημο της εποχής του, αλλά εφαρμόστηκε από τους στρατιώτες και σταυρωτές του Ιησού, κάτω από το Σταυρό του. “Πρώτα γιατί ξεχωρίζονται τα ρούχα του Μεσσία σε εσωτερικό ρουχισμό (ιμάτια) και σε εξωτερικό επένδυμα (ιματισμός). Έπειτα, τα εσωτερικά ιμάτιά του θα τα μοιράζονταν, ενώ για το ένα, τον εξωτερικό χιτώνα, δεν μπορούσαν να κάνουν το ίδιο, να τον χαλάσουν δηλαδή, γι’ αυτό και θα έριχναν κλήρο, για το ποιος θα τον έπαιρνε. Τέλος, οι εκτελεστές της θανατικής καταδίκης θα έπρεπε να’ ναι πολλοί, αφού θα γινόταν μοιρασιά, και θα έπρεπε ακόμα να ήταν συνηθισμένοι από τη λεία αντικειμένων των καταδίκων, άρα θα έπρεπε να’ ναι στρατιώτες, και μάλιστα ξένης χώρας” (26).
Αλλά και ο Ψαλμός 15 περιγράφει την ανάσταση του Ιησού, με τα λόγια: «Δεν θα εγκαταλείψεις την ψυχή μου στον άδη, ούτε θα αφήσεις τον άγιόν σου να γνωρίσει τη σωματική αποσύνθεση». Ο Δαυίδ, φυσικά, καθόλου δεν ήταν ανόητος για να πιστεύει ότι δεν θα πέθαινε ποτέ, αλλά αναφέρεται στην ταφή και ανάσταση του Κυρίου, του οποίου το σώμα, τις τρεις ημέρες του θανάτου του, ως αδιάσπαστα ενωμένο με τη θεότητά του, δεν γνώρισε πτωματική αποσύνθεση.
Στο χριστολογικό Ψαλμό 109 ο Δαυίδ αναφωνεί: «Είπε ο Κύριος στον Κύριο μου: Κάθησε στα δεξιά μου, μέχρι να κάνω τους εχθρούς σου χαλάκι για τα πόδια σου». Ώστε, ο Δαυίδ, αν και είναι βασιλιάς, έχει εξουσιαστές και κυρίους, που συνεργάζονται μεταξύ τους; Όχι βέβαια. Ιστορικά . ουδέποτε έγινε κάτι τέτοιο στη ζωή του Δαυίδ. Αλλά η προφητεία εμφανίζει στο προσκήνιο τα δύο πρόσωπα της Αγίας Τριάδας, εκ των οποίων ο Πατέρας απευθυνόμενος προς τον Υιόν Του, μετά την ανάληψή του, του ζητά να καθήσει στα δεξιά του, μέχρι να υποτάξει τις εχθρικές ορατές και αόρατες δυνάμεις, στη δύναμή του.
Ακόμη, ο βασιλιάς Δαυίδ προλέγει κατά παραχώρηση Θεού: «κάρφωσαν τα χέρια μου και τα πόδια μου, εμέτρησαν όλα τα οστά μου» (Ψλμ. 21). Ποτέ όμως ο ίδιος ο Δαυίδ δεν σταυρώθηκε. Ούτε υπήρχε στην εποχή του η ποινή της σταυρώσεως. Εμφανέστατα, προφητεύει τη Σταύρωση του Ιησού.
Μια άλλη προφητεία, εξάλλου, του προφήτη Ζαχαρία αφορά το σταυρικό θάνατο του Εκλεκτού: «Θα επιβλέψουν, λέγει, σε μένα, τον οποίον εκέντησαν». Θα ατενίσουν, δηλαδή, εμένα, που λόγχισαν πάνω στο Σταυρό. Ας θυμηθούμε το Ρωμαίο στρατιώτη, που λόγχισε την πλευρά του Ιησού, απ’ την οποία έτρεξε αίμα και νερό. Και τέλος, «κόκκαλό Του δεν θα σπάσετε», αναφέρεται στο βιβλίο της Εξόδου (κεφ. 12). Πράγματι, ενώ οι στρατιώτες έσπασαν τα οστά των μηρών των δύο άλλων κακούργων πάνω στο Σταυρό, για να επιφέρουν γρηγορότερο θάνατο, τον Ιησού δεν τον άγγιξαν, γιατί είχε ήδη εκπνεύσει (27).
Name, features the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, foretold by the prophet Zechariah's words: "Rejoice, daughter of Zion, proclaim, daughter of Jerusalem: Na,comes to you your king, just and savior, meek, and riding on a donkey "(Zach. 9.9). He prophet foretells and remuneration of Judas for his betrayal: "Elected my wages thirty pieces of silver"says the prophecy. (Zach. 11).
In Psalm 41 we read: "That man himself, with whom he lived in peace, in which I hoped, one who ate bread with me, lifted his heel against me"and even Zechariah tells us: "When someone asked: What are these wounds in your hands within? He will answer: Are those wounds, wounded in the house of my friends" (13.6).It's so clean and prophecies occurred in the life of Christ with such precision that he thinks that nobody reads the Gospels, in the years of the New Testament, not the Old Testament. So Judas,who ate bread with Christ, betrayed him, and the wounds within the hands from the nails were caused by the friends of Christ, ie his fellow Jews,who handed him over to be crucified.
In Psalm 21, the Prophet and King David says, "partitioned between their clothes and my clothes put my lot." Dismayed by the 11 centuries before its fulfillment,prophecy, which is not applied in the course nor David, nor any other official of his time, but applied by soldiers and crossed Jesus under the Cross."First, because they are separated clothes Messiah indoor clothing (garments) and foreign investors (clothing). Then, the inside of the clothes will shared, while one, the outer tunic,could not do the same, to the mess that is, so it would bring clergy over who will take him. Finally, the executors of the death sentence should be 'yes many, since they were sharing,and would still have been accustomed from their prey items of the convicts, so it should be 'yes soldiers, and even a foreign country "(26).
But Psalm 15 describes the resurrection of Jesus, with the words:"I will not abandon my soul to Hades, nor will you let your Holy ascertaining the physical disintegration." David, of course, in no way was a fool to believe that they will never die,but refers to the burial and resurrection of the Lord, whose body, the three days of his death, as inseparably united with divinity, he met cadaveric decomposition.
Christological In Psalm 109 David exclaims: "Said the Lord to my Lord: Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies mat for your feet." So, David, although King has rulers and masters,working together? course not. Historical. never was such a thing in his life David. But the prophecy shows in the foreground the two persons of the Trinity,of which the Father addressing to His Son, after his ascension, asks him to sit at his right, to subdue the enemy visible and invisible forces in power.
In addition,King David foretells delegated by God: "pierced my hands and my feet, he measured all my bones" (Pslm. 21). But never himself David not crucified. Nor was the era of the punishment of crucifixion.Obviously, foretells the crucifixion of Jesus.
Another prophecy, moreover, the prophet Zechariah concerning the crucifixion death of Emissary 'to oversee, he says, to me, which pierced. " You gaze, ie, me,that lonchisan on the Cross. Let us recall the Roman soldier who lonchise the side of Jesus, from which blood and water ran. And finally, "bones will not break," in the book of Exodus (chapter 12).Indeed, while the soldiers broke the bones of the thigh of the other two thugs on the Cross, to bring faster death, Jesus did not touch him, because he had already expired (27).
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Mention, features, the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, foretold by the Prophet ZACHARIAS, with the words: "rejoice, daughter of Zion, to scream, daughter Jerusalem: Being, comes in you your righteous King and Savior, meek, and riding a donkey ' (Zach. 9.9). He Prophet introduction and remuneration of Judas for the betrayal: "my salary was designated the thirty pieces of silver" the prophecy says. (Zach. 11).
in Psalm 41 we read: ' This man himself, with whom I lived peacefully, which I hoped, he ate bread with me, lifted the heel against me ", even Zechariah tells us: "When someone asks: what are these wounds in your hands? He will answer: are the wounds of those who pligwthika in the House of my friends "(13.6). It's so clean and happened in the life of Christ with so much precision, that thinks anyone that reads the Gospels, in the years of the New Testament rather than the old testament. So Judas, they ate bread along with Christ, betrayed him, and the wounds in the hands come from the nails and commotion from friends of Christ, IE. his fellow Jews, He handed it to crucified.
in Psalm 21, the Prophet and King David says: "their Diamoirastikan between my reaction and my clothing to put clergy". Wonder is the, 11 centuries before the fulfillment of, This prophecy was not natural nor in David, neither in another official of his day, but ran from the soldiers and cross of Jesus, under the cross. "First because it separated the clothes of the Messiah in interior clothing (garments) and external ependyma (clothing). Then, inside the chests will be shared, while for one, the outer tunic, they could not do the same, to mess up IE, so I throw the clergy who will take. Finally, the executors of the death sentence should be ' Yes many, since it was done deal, and I still had to be accustomed from the smooth objects of convicts, so it should be ' Yes soldiers, and even a foreign country "(26).
and the Psalm 15 describes the resurrection of Jesus, with the words: "I will not abandon my soul to Hades, nor will let your know agion physical decay". David, of course, was no fool for believing that won't ever die, but in refers to the burial and resurrection of Christ, whose body, the three days of his death, as inextricably connected to his divinity, has not decomposed cadaver.
The christologiko Psalm 109 David exclaims: "the Lord Said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies mat for your feet". So, David, although is King, has exoysiastes and gentlemen, working together? Of course not. Historically. never was such a thing in the life of David. But the prophecy shows forth the two persons of the Trinity, of which the father addressing the Son, after his Ascension, asks him to sit to the right, up to subdue the enemy visible and invisible forces, in his power,
. King David introduction by granting God: "they pierced my hands and my feet, emetrisan all my bones" (Pslm. 21). But never not David himself crucified. Neither existed in the time of the penalty of stayrwsews. Most obviously, foretells the crucifixion of Jesus.
another prophecy, moreover, of the prophet Zechariah regarding the death of stayriko Prime: "Will oversee, he says, to me, which ekentisan». I gaze up, i.e., me, that logchisan on the cross. Let us recall the Roman soldier, who logchise the side of Jesus, from which blood and water ran. And finally, "The kokkalo won't break", mentioned in the book of exodus (chap. 12). Indeed, while the soldiers smashed the thigh bones of two other kakoyrgwn on the cross, to bring about a faster death, Jesus touched him, not because he had already overstayed (27).
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Mention, characteristics, the triumphant entry of Jesus in Jerusalem, which was announced by the prophet ΖΑΧΑΡΙΑ, with the words: "To savoring, daughter Sion, διαλαλείς, daughter Jerusalem: To,In today's king you, fair and savior, gentle, and Kavala in a donkey" (Ζαχ. 9.9). He prophet predicts and the remuneration of Ιούδα for treason: "Set my salary thirty silver",He says the prophecy. (Ζαχ. 11) .the covering medium in Ψαλμό 41 we read: "This same man, with whom I lived in peace, in which ήλπισα, that eating bread with me, went up the heel against me",And yet the Ζαχαρίας tells us: "When someone ask him: What are these wounds in your hands; he will answer: It is the wounds those πληγώθηκα inside the house of my friends" (13.6).It is so clean the fortunes she divined and happened in the life of Christ so precisely, that think that reads the Gospels, in years of Καινής intestate and not the Old Testament. Thus, the Ιούδας,Eating bread with Christ, betrayed, and wounds in hands from the nails and was caused by friends of Christ, i.e. , his compatriots preached Jews,Who handed him over to σταυρωθεί.c) In Ψαλμό 21, the prophet and King David says: "were split between the tear me and my clothes were put lots". It is astonishing that, 11 centuries before the completion of,This prophecy, which was not of course to David, or to another official of the era, but it was implemented by the soldiers and crossed Jesus, under the cross."First because separated clothes Μεσσία inside clothing (ιμάτια) and external επένδυμα (clothing). Then, the inside of the tear will be shared, and for one, the outer jacket,They could do the same, to the ruin, which is why we threw clergy, who will take. Finally, the enforcement of capital punishment should be so many, because they will become distribution,And we should still have been accustomed from the smooth objects of convicts so they should have been, yes soldiers, and even foreign country" (26) .the covering medium but also the Ψαλμός 15 describes the resurrection of Jesus, with the words:"I'm not going to abandonment my soul in hades, nor will leave the άγιόν you meet the physical decomposition". David, of course, I would not be stupid to think that they will not ever died,But the burial and resurrection of the owner of the house, the three days of his death, as inextricably bound up together with the θεότητά, knew no πτωματική decomposition.
In χριστολογικό Ψαλμό 109 David," says: "He said the main in my main: Κάθησε on my right, until I make your enemies your mat for your feet". So, David, even though it is king, has masters and masters,To cooperate with each other; not of course. Historic . never happen in his life David. But the prophecy shows in the foreground the two persons of the Holy Trinity,Of which the Father addressing to the Υιόν, after the take-over of the requests has sat on the right-hand side of the, up to crush the enemy visible and invisible forces, the strength of.c) still,King David predicts delegated by God: "κάρφωσαν my hands and my feet, εμέτρησαν all my bones" (Ψλμ. 21). But never the same David was crucified by not. Nor was it in the era of the penalty of σταυρώσεως.Obviously, the προφητεύει Σταύρωση Jesus.: another prophecy, moreover, the prophet Zaccaria the σταυρικό death of setters: "will oversee, he says, to me, which εκέντησαν". We look forward, in other words, me,That λόγχισαν onto the Cross. Let us remember the Roman soldier, which λόγχισε the side of Jesus, which rushed blood and water. And finally, "κόκκαλό will not break", referred to in paper output (section 12).Indeed, while the soldiers broke the bones of the thighs of two other κακούργων onto the Cross, to bring about faster death, the Lord Jesus not touched him, because he had already expired (27).
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