Όποιος εν γνώσει του δηλώνει ψευδή γεγονότα ή αρνείται ή αποκρύπτει τα αληθινά με έγγραφη υπεύθυνη δήλωση του άρθρου 8 τιμωρείται με φυλάκιση τουλάχιστον τριών μηνών.
Whoever knowingly declares false facts or denies or withholds the true written declaration under Article 8 shall be punished with imprisonment of at least three months.
Whoever knowingly stating false facts or denies or conceals the true by written declaration of article 8 is punishable by imprisonment of at least three months.
Anyone who knowingly stating false facts or denies or hides the real by means of a written declaration referred to in Article 8 is punishable by a term of imprisonment at least three months.