πώς είστε χαίρουμε που σας βλέπω η βαφτισικιά σας είδατε πως μεγάλωσε. είναι πολύ τρελή της αρέσει να ζωγραφίζει,να τραγουδά να παίζει συνέχεια. τι γίνεται τώρα με το brexit στην Αγγλία
how're we are pleased to see you the baftisikia you saw how he grew up.It is very crazy she likes to paint, singing to continue playing.What happens now with the brexit in England
How are you glad that you see the vaftisikia saw how you grew up. very crazy she likes to draw, sing playing then. what happens now with the brexit England
Hello, nice to meet you, you see the alpha Phi Beta Kappa sigma tau iota iota iota is how to grow.It"s very crazy like drawing, singing, playing all the time.What is now in England brexit