εχω βρει πολυ καλη τιμη σε ενοικιαζομενα δωματια στο Κινι πολυ κοντα στη θαλασσα Το σπιτι εχει κηπο, δεν εχει θορυβο και διαθετει πολλες ανεσεις,οπως κουζινα, μπανιο, τηλεοραση,air condicion
I have found very good price to rent rooms in Kini close to the sea The house has a garden, it is noisy and has many amenities such as kitchen, bathroom, TV, air condicion
I find very good price on rooms in Kinney poly near the Sea The House has a garden, has no noise and has many facilities, such as kitchen, bathroom, TV, air-condicion
I have found very good value in rooms & Κινι in Kaohsiung at sea home is residential area, there is noise and equipped with many ανεσεις,such as kitchen, bathroom, television, air condicion.