η εταιρεια λυεται με κοινη συμφωνια των εταιρων ειτα με καταγγελια για σπουδεο λογο. επισης η εταιρεια λυεται σε περιπτωση πτωχευσεις η απαγορευση του ενος εταιρου.
the company lyetai with common agreement of partners for spoydeo complaint with eita logo. well as the etaireia ptwcheyseis lyetai in case the prohibition of a partner.
the company is dissolved by mutual agreement of the partners met by means of a complaint to spoudeo list. The Company also terminated in case of bankruptcy or prohibition of a partner.
The company λυεται by common agreement of outlines ειτα with termination for σπουδεο e trending it the company λυεται in case πτωχευσεις the prohibition of a εταιρου.