Μακαρι να μπορουσα να ημουν εκει. Δυστυχως και η Ντεμι δεν θα ερθει και αυτη θα ειναι στο Λονδινο. Αλλα οταν τελειωσει το σεμιναριο, μετα απο ενα μηνα, μπορουμε να ερθουμε για λιγες ημερες. Τι λες;
I wish I could have been there. Unfortunately and Demi will not come and she will be in London. But when I finished the seminar, after a month, we can come for a few days. What do you think?
Makari to could I was there. Ntemi Dystychws and will not come and she will be in London. But when teleiosei the seminar, after a month, we can erthoyme for few days. What do you think?
Μακαρι to rear I served on there. Δυστυχως and Ντεμι will not comes and this is in London. But when almost finished in a build seminar, after one month, away to ερθουμε for λιγες ημερες. What materials?