’Ο Αβαδαίος ένας αρχαίος δαίμονας και βασιλιάς του κάτω κόσμου, ξέφυγε πριν από εκατοντάδες χρόνια από τα κελιά της κολάσεως, ερχόμενος στην γη. Ζει τώρα ανάμεσα μας, κρατά τις ψυχές φυλακίζοντας τες, σε διαφορετική διάσταση, κάνοντας τες να ζουν τα τελευταία 5 λεπτά των πράξεων τους πριν τον δουν, και αφού βασανιστούν αρκετά τους καταβροχθίζει.
Ο μοναδικός τρόπος για να καταστραφεί, είναι η ασημένια Λόγχη με το μέταλλο της οποίας, λογχεύθηκε ο Ιησούς, επί του σταυρού και με αυτόν τον τρόπο η Λόγχη αγιοποιήθηκε. Μπορεί λοιπόν, τον δαίμονα να νικήσει, στέλνοντας τον, πίσω στον κάτω κόσμο… Μάγος Μπέλοφ
' O Abadaios an ancient demon and King of the underworld, skidded before hundreds of years from the cells of hell, come to Earth. Now lives among us, it keeps the souls of imprisoning them, in a different dimension, making them to live the last 5 minutes of their transactions before the see, and after several tormented the Devourer. The only way to be destroyed, is the silver Spear with metal which, logcheythike Jesus, on the cross and thereby the Lance canonized. Can the demon to win, sending him back to the underworld. Magician Belov
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'The Avadaios an ancient demon and king of the underworld, free hundreds of years ago by the cells of hell, coming to earth. He now lives among us, it keeps the souls imprisoning them in a different dimension, making them live the last five minutes of their actions before they see him, and he tortured them enough eats.
The only way to be destroyed, is Silver Spear with metal which, lonchefthike Jesus on the cross and thus the Spear canonized. Can So the demon to win, sending him back to the underworld ... Magician Beloff
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
'The Αβαδαίος an ancient demon and king of the underworld, spun out hundreds of years ago by the cells of hell, coming to land. Now lives among us, keeps the souls by imprisoning them,On a different dimension, making them to live the last 5 minutes of their actions before the see, and after enough tortured the swallows. The only way to destroy,
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