Ο κάτωθι ιατρός πιστοποιεί ότι ο ανωτέρω μπορεί να πάρει μέρος στο παραπάνω άθλημα (προετοιμασία και αγώνες) και έχει κάνει όλες τις απαραίτητες εξετάσειςΦύλλο Εφημερίδας της Κυβέρνησης
The undersigned doctor certifies that the above can take part in more sport (preparation and matches) and has made all the necessary examinations <br>Sheet Government Gazette
The following doctor certifies that the above can take part in the above sport (preparation and races) and has done all the necessary examinations<br>Government newspaper sheet
The doctor below certifies that the above can take part in the above sport (preparation and matches) and has completed all necessary examinations<br>Government Newsletter<br>