είμαι στο νοσοκομείο, ανάμεσα σε γιατρούς, νοσοκόμες, άρρωστους ανθρώπους ... σε λίγη ώρα θα έρθει κι ο δράκουλας...το μόνο που θέλω είναι να πάω σπίτι και να κοιμηθώ μέχρι αύριο
I'm in the hospital, surrounded by doctors, nurses, sick people ... in little time you'll come upon Dracula ... moreall I want is to go home and sleep until tomorrow
I'm in the hospital, among doctors, nurses, sick people ... in a short time will come and Dracula ... all I want is to go home and sleep until tomorrow
I am in hospital, between doctors, nurses, sick people ... in some time will come and the Dracula ... the only thing i want is to go home and sleep until tomorrow