Finally, I went to work at 12:30, and I turned now at 7:00pm.Today, I don't have very good mood, but I try to upload my morale, with singing and dancing, you know, that the man who doesn't dance at least once a day, it's miserable! Of course, that does not hear me and I don't see none. Life is too short to spend it on insipid thoughts (but sometimes glue)! Later I'll go to the Center to drink a drink with friends, I don't want to delay, because I did not sleep well, it was very hot at night and I was very uncomfortable. You how you spend your day?Ralph, think, what beautiful, you are to wake up together. You will be at my side, on my pillow, will you give me life, I will get on my lap, you will feel exciting, refreshing and will offer you pleasure and release. Here and now, with a seductive and attractive way, without tomorrow and the future. I am not well today, don't give much importance to what I tell you, I'm also quite tired, we talk later, many kisses.And always remember, my baller, that I love you!
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