Date: 17/07/2010 Piga, knowing that I get back entypwsiasmenos. I turned terrified. The progress of China mou itan known, and in my old schedules ("Globalization: For a global system oloklirwtikis exoysias», «For democracy Eythynis ' k.ἄ.) ypostirixei eIcha ὅτι winner at the game of globalization will not is the USA oyte the sygkolimmeni with" oychoy "E.e., ἀlla the China. When even once the alleged today as ypoyrgos non ethnikis education (the abolition of its own is oroy ethniki originality) had ypostirixei the ἀnachronistiki ἄpopsi on Ἀgglikis as a second language in our scholeia for being echoyme, with future considerations orizonta yfos ypedeixa .......... how opoios wants future learns Chinese and s ochi "his cars ' Ἀgglika!And ypedeixa then the need to create two Idrymatwn rapid ekmathisews of Kinezikis for that ypodechthoume has the future. Emeis Ἀlla as the foolish virgins of Parabolis stayed ἄ-ladoi and ἄlaloi ahead of the epelasi of kinezikis oIkonomias, where I soon synodeythei and from the Kinezikis language epektasi of the Chinese ' by ' opoia on pollou ".I enthoysiasmenos eIcha reasons that go back because in the enarxi of ἀnagnwsthike Olympiakwn of Beijing – for with assured – my own Pindariki where to wdi was published and Chinese Type – ἀll's ochi through my own photo. I turned, however, with a heavy soul. The China wants ἁplws not having done great, where always itan. No one wants that done megalodynami. He wants that become all-powerful. We are in a time where epalitheyetai • reason of Bonaparte: ' Ἀfiste the Yellow Dragon being koimatai, because ἄν, I katapii the tries world ". • Yellow Dragon, after the insanity of "Politistikis" by Epanastasis passed the guidance of a echefronos syllogikis and aytarchikis exoysias in a defining technological epanastasi where katargei each right in ἀdynamia and enischyei any right to power for wealth generation. Nowhere on the ἀllou core of Marxism, that the wheel of the oIkonomia kinei Istorias, was not so much oso in China. Only where the struggle of classes has ypokatastathei from the fight of dynatwn to ἄlloys loud, where they give in ἀnaptyxi of China more tacheis rhythms. The care for the poor and ἀdynatoys them them is for the Chinese igesia vain purposes.In China time yparchoyn tion ayti two categories ἀnthrwpwn: aytoi where they stay and become ypanthrwpoi where yperanthrwpoi aytoi. Their Ἀnamesa no a synechws expanding population where strwma for being ἀmeifthei and being ἀntapokrithei in «norms» of the «New», ergazetai xethewtika his life. Does yparchoyn in China eygeni Idanika. • Idealistikos Marxism (social Isotita), Buddhism (mute epithymiwn) and • komfoykismos (experiencing ἀretwn) is for ἀfeleis them ypothesi or for many epitideioys where have turned the once saved cultural tradition in ἀrgyrologia. The zwnta Idanika is ἀpokleistikws consumer. • Chinese identifies the price with the price of aytokinitoy.The CCP is in ἀlitheian a wise mechanism, the ἀlla regime where has epibalei in people is a empragmatos Darwinism. Epizi • more Ischyros. And that I Ischysi and ἄskisi .......... ayrio in exwterikis kinezikis politikis. Model of China is the America, ochi for being the mimithei or being omoiwthei in, ἀlla for ayti being the overcome or being the katapiei the right moment. Already on the China katakta the oIkonomika Aystralia and New Zealand, katakta and the Ἀfriki. Oso for the Eyrwpi, from ' ayti has long kinezopoiithei ' ἀfou ' firmates ' oles Oi etaireies s always the produce and now the ekei bulk s pwloun ekei. Objective of China through the elegcho a new oryktou is being a protagonist in the oles technological conquests. No I ἀrkesthei being reached and ayti to Moon. I reached for being the dwell and being ἀpospasei by orykta ylika ἀneyreta aytin or Col γῆ.The China ἀposyndeetai from the past, recent or ἀpwtero. The exafanizei for having created a ἀprosdokito future, when fellow Abdi role have the stuff and ochi the ἄnthrwpoi, where ἁplws will is ypiretes of things. Osa are made in China now tion ayti is ἀpisteyta large. Ἀlla does not have the megaleio of ἁplotitas oyte the ἁplotita of grandeur. Been a pharaonic dimension without metaphysics aIsthisi. Ola ayta through fear. Because the Chinese laboring enw earn everyone in ypsos, been a musty basis. And ennow a ἀperanti mass exathliwmenwn ἀnthrwpwn where zi down from the boundaries of poverty, a class ἀnerchomeni where ergazetai exantlitika and only a 5% where in They epipedo zi, without that being too eytychei. Because the largest nuclear bomb of Chinese is not manufactured in nuclear ayti where ergostasia. Is the ἀperanti mass ftwchwn and hardly ἀntapokrinomenwn in new consumer way of his life, where once I ekragei. Endechetai the "cultural" Epanastasi where maze as the widow of Igeria Mao being a Carnival itan or – kannibaliko ahead of game estw-the social ekrixi where I ἀkoloythisei. The eniwsa tion vibration ayti when imoyn ekei. Anyhow, the two-month ἀpergia τῶν ergatwn to "Chioyntai" Pro minwn, ἀpergia where targeted of ergodotwn and of syndikalistwn (been done caste and ekei), much to the present martyrei.The China esbise the past for having created future grounded in chrima. And, ontws, has the most to chrima world. Ἀlla volume chrima is useful for backup and ochi as odigos for the future. So has fobamai that the future of China will be the blur is oyrano of Shanghai where ἀxizei being
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