Συνάντησέ με στον κονα. Ελπίζω ν' αξίζει τον κόπο μου. Κάνει πολύ κρύο μετάφραση - Συνάντησέ με στον κονα. Ελπίζω ν' αξίζει τον κόπο μου. Κάνει πολύ κρύο Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Συνάντησέ με στον κονα. Ελπίζω ν' α

Συνάντησέ με στον κονα. Ελπίζω ν' αξίζει τον κόπο μου. Κάνει πολύ κρύο για λάθος συναγερμό. Προφανώς, πέσαμε σ' ένα κανάλι μεταφοράς. Μόνο ένας τρόπος υπάρχει να μάθουμε. Λοιπόν... Μη! Πού είναι το πακέτο; Δεν ξέρω. Δεν το έχει ο Ντουνόις; Πού είναι το πακέτο; Σίγουρα αυτός που προστατεύεις βρίσκεται σ' ένα ζεστό δωμάτιο... ...χωρίς να του καίγεται καρφί για την ευημερία σου. Αργήσατε πολύ, κ. 'Ολιφαντ. 'Έχει ήδη... ...παραδοθεί. Πόσο λυπάμαι που τ' ακούω αυτό. Σου δίνω 1 0'' να μου πεις σε ποιον το παρέδωσες. Σε ήξερε, Τζάρεντ. Νόμιζα πως ήσουν ανώνυμος. Είμαι τώρα. Οι κανόνες αλλάζουν. Ο πελάτης μας απεχθάνεται την αύξηση των θανάτων. Η φήμη του ήδη αμφισβητείται, πράγμα που σημαίνει... ...ότι οι στενοί συνεργάτες ίσως είναι οι επόμενοι. Ο πελάτης μας απεχθάνεται μονάχα την αποτυχία. 'Όσο για τη φήμη, εσείς οι δύο προσληφθήκατε να βρείτε το πακέτο... ...κι όχι έναν άχρηστο που θέλει να πεθάνει. Η αποστολή μου ήταν να εξαλείψω κάθε πηγή γνώσης. Μάλλον εγώ έκανα τη δουλειά σου. Αλήθεια; Θα βρούμε το πακέτο. Το ελπίζω. Αρχίζω να πιστεύω πως κολυμπάς σε νερά πολύ βαθιά για σένα. Θέλω το πακέτο να παραδοθεί την Παρασκευή. Προτείνω να προσλάβεις επαγγελματία. Τζόνοθαν, είσαι καλά; Μην ανησυχείς. Θα είμαι εντάξει. Ποιος ήταν; Βαρσώ. Τη γνωρίζω; Αφού δε ζηλεύω εγώ, δε χρειάζεται να ζηλεύεις εσύ. Αν μ' αγαπούσες πραγματικά, θα ζήλευες. Ναι. Τζον. Θα παρευρεθείς στη λειτουργία; Ναι, Σην. Μόλις βρω πτήση. Τι ώρα θα φτάσεις; Τι ώρα είναι η λειτουργία; Στις 3 το απόγευμα. Ο μπαμπάς θα ήθελε να έρθεις.Θα έρθω, Σην. Είπα πως θα έρθω. Γεια σας, παρακαλώ καθίστε. Σίγουρα δε θα φας κάτι; 'Όχι, βιάζομαι. Πρέπει να φύγω. Αναρωτιόμουν τους τελευταίους 6 μήνες αν σ' αρέσει το Παρίσι. Τι θα έκανα χωρίς εσένα; Θα τα καταφέρεις μια χαρά. Θα βρω άλλο φίλο; 'Έναν που να τα καταφέρνει πάντα; Δεν πέφτουν απ' τον ουρανό. Εκτός από εσένα Ντουνόις. Είσαι πολύ χρήσιμος όταν απαιτούνται αποφασιστικά μέτρα. Μία τελευταία χάρη. Σου είπα πως πρέπει να φύγω. Θέλω να παραλάβεις ένα πακέτο και να το παραδόσεις στη Γερμανία.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
Meet me in kona. I hope to be worth my while. Very cold for wrong alarm. Obviously, we fell into a transport channel. Only one way to find out. Well ... Non! Where's the package? I do not know. I don't have the Ntoynois? Where's the package? Surely he who protect is in a hot room ... ... without the eyelash for your well-being. You too, Mr ' Olifant. ' Is already ... ... delivered. How I regret that t ' hear it. I give 1 0 '' to tell me who the have you handed. In she knew, Jared. I thought you were anonymous. I am now. The rules are changing. Our client abhors the increase in deaths. His reputation already disputed, which means ... ... that close associates might be the next. Our client dislikes only failure. As for fame, you two proslifthikate to find the package ... ... not a useless who wants to die. My mission was to eliminate any source of knowledge. I guess I did your job. Truth? You will find the package. I hope so. I'm beginning to think that swim in waters too deep for you. I want the package to be delivered on Friday. I suggest you hire a professional. Tzonothan, are you okay? Don't worry. I'll be okay. Who was? Barsw. The know? Since we do not envy me, you do not need to envy you. If you really loved me, you zileyes. Yes. John. Will attend in operation? Yes, Hispanic. Once you find a flight. What time will it arrive? What time is the function? At 3 in the afternoon. Dad would like to come. I will come, In. I said that I will come. Hello, please sit down. Definitely would not eat something? ' No, hustle. I have to leave. I was wondering for the past 6 months if you like Paris. What would I do without you? Will do just fine. I will find another friend? ' One that does everything? Don't fall from the sky. Except you Ntoynois. You are very useful when decisive action is required. One last favor. I told you that you must leave. I want to receive a package and traditions in Germany.
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Meet me in Kona. I hope n 'worth my while. It's too cold for error alarm. Obviously, we fell into a transport channel. Only one way to find out. Well ... Not! Where is the package? I do not know. He has not the Ntounois? Where is the package? Surely it is protected in a warm room ... ... without giving a damn about your welfare. You took too long, Mr. 'Olifant. It has already ... ... delivered. How I regret that t hear it. I give you 1 0 'to tell me to whom it delivered. To know, Jared. I thought you were anonymous. I am now. The rules are changing. Our client abhors increased deaths. His reputation already challenged, which means that ... ... close associates may be next. Our client abhors only failure. 'As for reputation, you two were hired to find the package ... ... and not a useless wants to die. My mission was to eliminate any source of knowledge. Probably I did your job. Truth; We will find the package. I hope so. I'm starting to think that swimming in waters too deep for you. I want the package to be delivered Friday. I suggest that you hire a professional. Tzonothan, you okay? Do not worry. I'll be okay. Who was it; Varsos. To know? After not envy me, you need not envy you. If with really loved me, you would envy. Yes. John. You will attend the function? Yes, the underside. Once you find a flight. What time will you arrive What time is the function? At 3 in the afternoon. Dad would come ertheis.Tha, the underside. I said that I will come. Hello, please sit down. Definitely would not eat something? 'No, hurry. Need to go. Wondering over the past six months if you like Paris. What would I do without you; You will do it fine. I'll find another friend? 'One that everything succeeds? Not fall from the sky. Except you Ntounois. You are very useful when decisive action is needed. One last grace. I told you that I must leave. I want to receive a package and the deliveries to Germany.
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
Meet at the kappa alpha / v. I hope it"s worth it. It"s too cold to alarm. Obviously, we"re in a transmission channel. There is only one way. Well...... No Where is the parcel? I don"t know. No dunois where is your bag?? of course, this is a warm room. Don"t care about your happiness. It"s too late for you, sir. The other is lambda iota Phi alpha tau v. Already... PI alpha alpha Omicron delta Rho... Theta epsilon. I"m sorry to hear that. I"ll give you 10 "tell me who is your hand. You know, yeah. I thought you were anonymous. Now I. Change of these rules. Our customers do not like the increase in the number of deaths. Reputation has been questioned, which means...... Your intimate partner, maybe the next one. Our customers don"t like to have failed. As for you, you get a reputation for finding the package... Not a don"t want to die. My task is to take every knowledge source. I think I, I do your job. Really? Our bags. I hope so. I began to believe that you were swimming in deep water. I want to deliver on Friday. Hire a professional advice. Jonathan, are you okay? Don"t worry. I will be good. Who is it? Warsaw. You know? Because I don"t envy you, I don"t envy you. If you really love me, you will be jealous. Yes. John. Are you going to be functional? Yeah. Once you find a flight. When do we arrive? What is the function of time? In the afternoon at 3. Dad, I want to Rho theta epsilon iota theta alpha., gloss. I said I would come. Hello, please sit down. Are you sure you won"t eat anything? No, I"m in a hurry. I have to go now。 I would like to know in the past 6 months, if you like Paris. What can I do without you? You can do it well. Am I going to find another friend? Do I always be alone? It"s not falling from the sky. Except that you are good. You are very useful when you need decisive action. The last one is busy. I told you I had to go. I want to parallel
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
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