Τα αντίγραφα ή αποσπάσματα των πρακτικών, όσα πρόκειται να προσαχθούν ενώπιον Δικαστηρίου ή άλλης αρχής, επικυρώνονται από τον Πρόεδρο και το Γενικό Γραμματέα ή - σε περίπτωση αδυναμίας ή κωλύματος – από τους νόμιμους αναπληρωτές τους
Copies or extracts of the minutes, you're going to be brought before a court or other authority, shall be authenticated by the Chairman and the Secretary-General or-in case of inability to attend – or from legitimate alternates
Copies or extracts of minutes, you will be brought before a court or other authority, confirmed by the President and the Secretary General, or - in case of failure or unavailable - from legal alternates
Copies or extracts of such minutes, what it is to be brought before a court or other authority,Certified by the Chairman and the Secretary-general or - in the event of default or attend - from their legitimate alternates