Η μελέτη του Master Plan για την ανάπτυξη του λιμένα της Θεσσαλονίκης εκπονήθηκε τον Μάρτιο του 2016 για τον ΟΛΘ. Η μελέτη δεν έχει λάβει περιβαλλοντική αδειοδότηση.
The study of the Master Plan for the development of the port of Thessaloniki was prepared in March 2016 for the THESSALONIKI PORT AUTHORITY. The study has not taken environmental licensing.
The study of the Master Plan for the development of the Thessaloniki port drawn up in March 2016 for THPA. The study has received environmental authorization.
The research on the development of a master"s degree program in the port of Thessaloniki for the preparation of lambda theta / March 2016. The study did not obtain environmental permits.