υπάρχουν δύο θέματα .1 αυτό που δεν εμπιστεύομαι είναι το τουριστικό γραφείο.Λόγω της δουλείας μου έχω ακούσει πολλά .Είσαι σίγουρη πως θα ειμαστε αφαλείς ότι δεν θα χάσουμε τα χρηματά μας?
.1 there are two issues that I do not trust is the tourist grafeio.Logo slavery I've heard a lot.'re confident that we will be belly button that will not waste our money;
There are two things. 1 what I don't trust is the tourist office because of slavery I've heard many. are you sure that you are afaleis that will not miss the chrimata us;
There are two issues .1 what do not trust is the tourist office.As a result of my slavery I have heard many .You are sure that you will find us αφαλείς that will not lose the χρηματά us?