Ralph,Ralph δεν με προσέχεις καθόλου,εάν διαβάσεις τα προηγούμενα email, θα δεις ότι σου γράφω, ότι η κοπέλα μαζί με την Ελπίδα είναι η ξαδέρφη μου, η Μαρία. Σε συγχωρώ,γιατί σε αγαπώ.
Ralph, Ralph doesn't care at all if you read the previous email, you will see that I write, that the girl along with hope is my cousin, Maria. I forgive you, because I love you.
Ralph, Ralph did not care at all, if you read the previous email, you will see that I write to you, that the girl with Hope is my cousin, Mary. I forgive you because I love you.
Ralph, Ralph, you"re not listening to me. If you"ve ever had a message, you"ll find your girlfriend. I hope it"s my cousin, Maria. I forgive you, because I love you.