Η Γιορτή του Κρασιού είναι μια εκδήλωση άμεσα συνδεδεμένη με τον ανθρώπινο παράγοντα. Πρόκειται για μια πολιτιστική εκδήλωση που οι άνθρωποι διοργάνωναν από τα πανάρχαια χρόνια όταν παρόμοιες γιορτές με αναφορά στο κρασί διοργανώνονταν.
The Wine Festival is an event directly connected with the human factor. It is a cultural event that people held since ancient times when similar celebrations organized by wine.
The Wine Festival is an event directly related to the human factor. This is a cultural event that people were organized from ancient times when similar festivities with reference to organized wine.
Wine is a person who is directly related to the celebration. This is an organization of cultural activities, people refer to L / P alpha gamma delta v v / V V alpha tau similar wine from the old year holiday.