Ralph,δεν ξέρω εάν βγάζεις συμπέρασμα, από αυτά που σου γράφω, η ουσία των πραγμάτων, είναι ότι σε εμπιστεύομαι,σε εκτιμώ, σε νιώθω, νιώθω τον παλμό της καρδιάς σου και πάνω από όλα σε αγαπώ και θέλω να είσαι καλά.
Ralph, I don't know if you have your conclusion from them that I write, the essence of things, is that I trust, to appreciate, feel, feel the pulse of your heart and most of all I love you and I want you to be well.
Ralph, I do not know if we draw conclusions from what I write to you, the essence of things, that is to trust, to appreciate, to feel, feel the pulse of your heart and above all in love and want to be well.
Ralph, I don"t know if to jump to conclusions, from what you write is the essence of things on their trust, appreciation, I feel for you, feeling your heart, above all I love you, I think you are good.