χμχμ μου αρεσει πολυ μωρο αλλα θελω μια φοτογραφια σου που να την βγαλεις τωρα..αυτες τις εβγαλες πριν καιρο γιατι ειναι παρομοιες με αυτην που εχεις στο προφιλ σου στο φβ..
chmchm Loved baby but I want a Free you that to remove it now .. these pulled a long time ago because it is similar to what has been on your profile in FB ..
My chmchm like poly Moro Alla fotografia a Sou thelo to bgaleis now.These ebgales before KaiRo why is paromoies with this that you got in your profile on FB.
My χμχμ like garage super μωρο but i want a φοτογραφια you to βγαλεις now..subscribe the εβγαλες before weather why is παρομοιες with es that εχεις in your profile at Bfrs..