Την ευθύνη της σύνταξης τους έχει ο Αντιπρόεδρος, ο οποίος καταθέτει τον κανονισμό στη Γενική Συνέλευση η οποία και τον επικυρώνει, αφού τον συζητήσει και ενδεχομένως τροποποιήσει.
The liability of the pension has been the Vice President, who shall submit the regulation to the General Assembly which ratifies and, after discussing and possibly modify.
Responsible for the preparation has been the Vice President, who shall submit the regulation to the General Assembly, which validates the After discussing it and possibly alter.
The responsibility of the pension has been the vice-chairman, who shall submit the regulation in general assembly and the confirms, after the discuss and possibly amend.