Δεν είσαι δίπλα μου κι όμως, υπάρχεις μέσα μου, τριγυρνάς, στο μυαλό μου. Σαν όνειρο, μοιάζεις μακρινό και άπιαστο. Εμφανίζεσαι, μες στη μοναξιά μου και στην απέραντη σιωπή μου.
You are not beside me yet exist within me, you hang around, in my mind. Like a dream, like a distant and elusive. You, in my solitude and in the vast silence me.
You're next to me and yet, exist inside me, walking around in my mind. As a dream, resemble distant and elusive. You appear, amid my loneliness and my boundless silence.
You are not by my side, but you are in me, you are in my mind. You look like a dream, far away and elusive. When you appear in my loneliness, I am in the endless silence.