Ο θάνατος του παιδιού σίγουρα ήταν η κύρια αιτία της κατρακύλας του γάμου τους,
αλλά την ταφόπλακα την έβαλε εκείνη, αν αλήθευει ο τρόπος και ό λόγος που πέθανε το παιδί,
φάντασου να βλέπει την γυναίκα του, μετά, να εξακολουθεί να καταστρέφει ζωες
(η γυναίκα που πήδηξε απο τα δικάστηρια) και αυτοκτόνησε μπροστά της, να δίνει μάχη μέσα του,
πως δεν προκάλασε εκείνη τον θάνατο του παιδιού τους, πως δεν πειράζει που γίνεται χειρότερη
και απο τον πατέρα του. Τρελαίνεται, ρήμαξε, προσπαθεί να πείσει τον εαυτό πως δεν έχει επιλογη
παρά να την μισήσει (πράγμα αδύνατον!!!) και σιγά σιγά γίνεται το γνωστό καθίκι που ξέρουμε!!!
Αυτοι οι δύο άνθρωποι ζούσαν στο δικό τους σύμπαν (ο ένας για τον άλλο) ακόμα
και εκείνη πίστευε όταν γονάτησε μπροστά στην ακατανόμαστη,
ότι έχουν " πολέμο- διαχάμη" μετάξυ τους πρέπει να ματώσουν αλλά θα το ξεπεράσουν, αρκεί
να μην πλέχτει εκείνη. Ααα, και το κεράτωμα.. αυτός δεν χαμπάριαζε τίποτα στην αρχή, αν θυμάσαι ,
την ιδέα του την βάλανε ταυτοχρονα η γυναίκα του και η ακατανόμαστη.
Μες στη μαυρίλα, και το ακαταλόγιστο πια (ξέφυγαν τα πραγμάτα) υπήρχε μια κλιμάκωση, .....το έκανε.
Ρε Φιλενάδα, το έκανε, όμως. Και μάλιστα στο όνομα της αγάπης. Γκρρρ!!!! απο την άλλη αυτός,
4χρόνια μέτα τον χωρισμό τους( που στο θολωμένο του μυαλό, τα πράγματα είχαν μπει στην θέση τους)
της ακατανόμαστης ούτε το χέρι δεν της έπιασε!! ( και κάπου εκεί ... το σώζει λίγο)
Για μένα αγαπά τη Do Hae Gang με τρόπο απόλυτο!!!!! σε σχέση με τον δικηγόρο που και αυτός
έμενα μου φαίνεται φάουλ δεν μπορεί να πιέζεις κάποιον να σε αγαπαπήσει!!! Νομίζω πως το ξέρει,
πως δεν τον αγαπά.( Το'χουν τα αδερφάκια μου φαίνεται, να επιμένουν)
Η Do Hae Gang δεν είναι ευκολός άνθρωπος , αλλά είναι πιο δυνάτη, έξυπνη, και αξιοπρεπεπής.
Μ' αρέσει ο χαρακτηράς της, και ο τρόπος που αγαπά Choi Jin Eon, απόλυτα. Νομίζω, πως λειτούργησε ενοχικά, και με φόβο μέτα τον θάνατο του παιδιού. Υψώσε τοίχους, την όμως κατανοώ, κάπως έπρεπε να την παλέψει!! Και οι δύο κάνανε λάθη, ο καθένας αναλογα με τον χαρακτήρα του.
Όμως ... για να κλείσω έδω, δεν αμφέβαλα ούτε μια στιγμή πως η γυναίκα του είναι η ζωή του, πως την λατρεύει, το ίδιο ισχύει και για εκείνη τον λατρεύει(θέλει να πεθάνει μια μέρα πριν από αυτόν)
έχει τόση "πίστη" στην αγάπη του.
( Και γω, εαν με κοιτάγε, και έκανε, ότι έκανε όπως στα τελευταιά λεπτά σ
The death of the child surely was the main cause of their marriage, katrakylasbut the tombstone put her that, if alitheyei the way and what reason he died the child,fantasoy to see his wife, then continues to destroy zwes(the woman who jumped from the dikastiria) and committed suicide in front of her, giving battle within him,that is not prokalase that the death of their child, that it doesn't matter who becomes worseand from his father. Mad, flattened, tries to convince himself that he has no choicerather than the hated (impossible!) and slowly becomes a known scumbag who know!!!These two people lived in their own universe (one another)and she believed when gonatise ahead in akatanomasti,they have "war-diachami" balance the need to matwsoyn but will outgrow it, providednot to plechtei that. Ahh, and keratwma. He did not champariaze anything at the beginning, if you remember,the idea of the had put running at the same time his wife and akatanomasti.Straight into the blackness, and the akatalogisto anymore (escaped the pragmata) there was an escalation, ..... did.D Girlfriend, did, though. And even in the name of love. Grrr!!!! the other one,Meta 4chronia separation (which in his mind blurred, things were put in their place)the akatanomastis nor the hand not caught!! (and somewhere there ... Save a little)For me loves Do Hae Gang with absolutely!!!!! in relation to the lawyer and heI lived it seems foul cannot push someone to agapapisei!!! I think he knows,that is not love. (To'choyn the my siblings seem to insist)The Gang Do not Hae is eykolos man, but is more intelligent and dynati, axioprepepis.I love the charaktiras, and the way he loves Jin Choi Eon, absolutely. I think that worked enochika, and fear of death after child. Ypswse walls, but I understand, somehow had to wrestle!!!! Both make mistakes, everyone depending on his character.Though ... to conclude here, do not doubt nor a moment that his wife is his life, that he loves, the same is true for she loves (he wants to die a day before him)does it really "faith" in his love.(And go, if with koitage, and he did, he did as in teleytaia minutes in
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The death of the child certainly was the main cause of the slump of their marriage,
but the tombstone put her that, if true how and why she died in child
imagination to see his wife, then, continue to destroy lives
(the woman jumped by courts) and committed suicide in front of her, battling within him,
that he prokalase that the death of their child, it does not matter who becomes worse
and from his father. Mad, devastated, trying to convince himself that has no choice
but to hate (which is impossible !!!) and slowly becomes known we know dick !!!
These two people lived in their own universe (one for other) still
and she felt when gonatise front of the unspeakable,
that is "polemo- diachami" between them they must bleed but will overcome, as long as
not braid her. Ahh, and cuckolding .. champariaze is not anything in the beginning, if you remember,
the idea of the same time they put his wife and unspeakable.
Inside the blackness, and unaccountable anymore (escaped things) there was an escalation ... ..to did.
Hey Girlfriend, did it, though. And even in the name of love. Gkrrr !!!! on the other he,
4Vstroke after their separation (as in fogged his mind, things were put in place)
of unspeakable neither hand is not caught in !! (Somewhere there ... saves a little)
For me loves Do Hae Gang with absolutely !!!!! in relation to the lawyer and he
seems to me foul you can not push someone to agapapisei !!! I think he knows,
that he loves him. (To'choun my brothers seem to insist)
The Do Hae Gang is not easy man, but is stronger, intelligent, and axioprepepis.
I like the character, and way loves Choi Jin Eon, absolutely. I think that worked guilt, and fear after the death of the child. Hoist walls, but to understand, somehow had to fight !! Both they made mistakes, everyone depending on his character.
But ... to rest here, not even for a moment doubted that his wife is his life, how to worship, the same goes for her adored ( wants to die one day before him)
has as much "faith" in love.
(So am I, if by looking, and he did, he did as the last minutes in
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Of course is the main cause of death in children, but their marriage kappa alpha tau Rho alpha kappa lambda alpha save meters of tombstone, she and her, if alpha lambda theta epsilon upsilon epsilon iota way cause Phi Nu tau alpha Sigma Omicron upsilon m children die, to see his wife.Life continue to destroy the 10
(woman jumped from Delta iota kappa sigma tau ETA Rho iota alpha) and suicide front and let the inner struggle, you don't PI Rho Omicron kappa lambda alpha sigma epsilon
her child's death.You don't mind getting worse by the square and the father. Crazy, trying to convince himself that he had no choice but to hate meters (which is not possible! !!And slowly become familiar with what you know! !! Two people live in their own universe (each other), she is still in the square meters kneeling in disgust;Their "war delta iota alpha ETA Mu Chi" screen must be bleeding, but will be overcome, as long as she is not tau epsilon iota lambda PI chi square meters. Oh, that's a lie. He didn't have any of the people who put the shit out of the beginning, if you remember thatAt the same time to their ideas and the disgusting woman. In the middle of the dark, and actively defend the (lost) there is a climax,... He.Even in the name of love. Ah! !! On the other hand he!
4 x P Nu iota alpha element separation (in a confused mind, things which have come into their position) of alpha kappa alpha tau alpha v Mu alpha sigma tau ETA save hand or not! !
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