The main objective is to design an alpha iota sigma epsilon iota sigma tau Nu Mu iota kappa construction is to create a mechanism to ensure the strength and ductility of such a big earthquake, in effect. Outside of the plastic deformation capacity as defined by a vector, there is no significant reduction in the strength and stiffness of the drain (Pauley & Priestley 1996). However, the development of the seismic code in philosophy began to become Greece after the mid 80s. As a result, many reinforced concrete structures in the 1985 years ago, the main design considering the vertical load and wind load, due to lack of or no seismic provisions for the implementation of.As a result of the building is not to ensure that the PI lambda sigma alpha iota tau behavior with operator under earthquake, and any possible is brittle failure, and cause a crash. Phi Rho tau Omega V / V upgrade or enhance the existing structural elements of a scientific important problem in civil engineering. In this paper, the construction of load-bearing components to strengthen the column.The most popular method is to use reinforced concrete to upgrade the Mu alpha delta omega v v column. In this case, the original elements should set up the new layer and the surrounding mantle of concrete members strengthened with increasing section. However, in the field of science, the latest achievements in the construction of inadequate backup to use the composite material. Composite reinforcement technology is divided into two categories. The first category refers to the PI epsilon Rho sigma Phi iota gamma zeta ETA backup, or l V / PI gamma Mu epsilon lambda tau Omega V sheath or inorganic matrix FRP (fiberreinforcedpolymers), or l V / PI gamma Mu epsilon lambda tau Omega V (TRM textilereinfo sheath or inorganic matrix
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